With many classes online this semester, instructors have found alternative, innovative ways to manage their classrooms and keep students engaged. To help with these efforts, UVA faculty and graduate students now have easy access to a host of new technologies to enhance teaching and learning.
Poll Everywhere is nice. I think it’s a fun collaborative way to get everyone in the class involved in learning. I really like Poll-Everywhere. It’s like mini quizzes/practices that test my knowledge. students in MATH 1190 Paul Bourdon is Professor and Director of Lower Division Courses in UVA’s Department of Mathematics. He previously used iClicker […]
Richard Ross is an Assistant Professor of Statistics, currently teaching SAT 2120: Introduction to Statistical Analysis this semester. With 572 students in his class, grading assignments and exams can be challenging and time-consuming. Thanks to Gradescope, he is able to grade quickly and accurately and focus more on interacting with his students.